Guantanamera Cristales Cigars |
Guantanamera Cristales are premium Cuban cigars, known for their smooth and light flavor profile, making them an excellent choice for both new |
and seasoned cigar enthusiasts. Each cigar is machine-made using fine Cuban tobacco from the Vuelta Arriba region, ensuring consistent quality |
and a delightful smoking experience. |
Housed in individual glass tubes, these cigars are elegantly presented, maintaining their freshness and aroma. Guantanamera Cristales offer a mild |
to medium-bodied smoke with subtle notes of cedar, earth, and a hint of sweetness, making them perfect for any occasion. |
• Length: 6 inches |
• Ring Gauge: 41 |
• Strength: Mild to Medium |
• Packaging: Individually sealed in glass tubes, available in packs of 25 |
Experience the authentic taste of Cuba with Guantanamera Cristales – ideal for a relaxing moment or as a thoughtful gift. |